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Learn English [AI]

Mar 11 min read
Subject Pronouns - Exercise
Subject pronouns exercise . Fill in the blanks quiz. English grammar tests. Subject pronouns are pronouns used to refer to the subject...

Mar 14 min read
Subject Pronouns - Example Sentences
Examples sentences for subject pronouns 'I, you, he, she, it, we, they'. Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence,...

Mar 12 min read
Subject Pronouns - Usage
Subject pronouns -usage. Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence, and they tell us who or what is performing the...

Feb 263 min read
Examples of 'nonetheless' in a Sentence
Examples for 'nonetheless'. How to use 'nonetheless' in a sentence? "Nonetheless" is an adverb that means "in spite of that" or...

Feb 261 min read
'At the weekend' or 'on the weekend' - Usage & Difference
'At the weekend', 'on the weekend', 'over the weekend' and 'on a weekend' - Usage & Difference. Both "at the weekend" and "on the...

Feb 241 min read
'In, On, At' (Time) - Exercise
'In, on, at' (time) exercise. Prepositions of time 'in, on, at' fill in the blanks quiz. English grammar tests. In English, the...

Feb 231 min read
'At night' or 'in the night' - Usage & Difference
What is the difference between 'at night' and 'in the night'? Both "at night" and "in the night" are used to refer to the nighttime, but...

Feb 233 min read
'In, On, At' (Time) - Usage
Uses of 'in, on, at' as prepositions of time. A preposition of time is a preposition used to indicate when a particular action takes...

Feb 222 min read
Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Usage & Explanation
Usages and grammar explanations for the present perfect continuous tense. The Present Perfect Continuous (also called Present Perfect...

Feb 213 min read
Examples of 'pending' in a Sentence
Examples for 'pending'. How to use 'pending' in a sentence? The word "pending" refers to something that is waiting to be completed,...
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