Collocations with "skill" refer to common word combinations that frequently appear with the word "skill." These phrases help express the idea of understanding, knowledge, or perception in different contexts.
advanced skills
high-level or expert abilities
Programming requires advanced technical skills.
acquire a skill
to learn or obtain a new skill
He acquired new language skills during his travels.
basic skills
fundamental abilities required for a task
Reading and writing are considered basic skills.
cognitive skills
mental abilities like thinking, learning, and memory
Puzzles help to develop cognitive skills in children.
communication skills
ability to effectively convey information
Good communication skills are essential in team environments.
computer skills
abilities related to using computers
Basic computer skills are necessary in today’s digital world.
creative skills
ability to think or produce work imaginatively
Artists need strong creative skills.
critical thinking skills
ability to analyze and evaluate information
Employers value critical thinking skills in problem-solving roles.
demonstrate skill
to show ability through actions.
The candidate demonstrated excellent problem-solving skills.
develop a skill
to improve or build an ability
She developed her painting skills over time.
enhance skills
improve or increase the quality of a skill
The workshop is designed to enhance employees' negotiation skills.
essential skills
crucial or necessary abilities
Communication is one of the essential skills for managers.
hone a skill
to refine or perfect a skill
The chef honed his culinary skills in France.
improve a skill
to make a skill better through practice
She’s taking a course to improve her writing skills.
interpersonal skills
ability to interact effectively with others
Successful salespeople need strong interpersonal skills.
lack skill
to not possess a particular ability
He lacks the technical skills needed for the job.
leadership skills
ability to guide or manage others
Her leadership skills helped the company navigate tough times.
learning skills
abilities related to acquiring new knowledge
Effective learning skills are essential for academic success.
listening skills
ability to listen attentively and understand others
Strong listening skills are essential in customer service.
management skills
ability to manage people and resources effectively
Good management skills are vital for running a successful business.
manual skills
physical or hands-on abilities
Car mechanics need excellent manual skills.
master a skill
to become highly proficient in a skill
It took years for her to master the skill of graphic design.
negotiation skills
ability to reach agreements through discussion
Good negotiation skills are essential in sales.
practical skills
hands-on abilities useful in real-world tasks
Plumbing requires practical skills.
problem-solving skills
ability to find solutions to challenges.
His problem-solving skills helped the team overcome obstacles.
professional skills
skills needed in the workplace.
Professional skills like time management are critical for success.
require skill
to need a specific ability to do something.
Sculpting requires skill and attention to detail.
sharpen a skill
enhance or fine-tune an ability
The internship helped him sharpen his business skills.
skill level
the degree of proficiency in a skill
The course is designed for people of all skill levels.
skill set
a collection of related skills
Her skill set includes graphic design and social media marketing.
social skills
ability to interact well with others
Children develop social skills through play.
soft skills
interpersonal or social skills
Customer service jobs often require strong soft skills.
organizational skills
ability to plan and manage tasks efficiently
Organizational skills are crucial for project managers.
teaching skills
ability to effectively educate others
Teachers need strong teaching skills to engage students.
technical skills
specialized, often job-specific skills
Technical skills like coding are in high demand.
transferable skills
skills applicable across different fields or jobs
Time management is a transferable skill.
verbal skills
ability to communicate effectively with words
Verbal skills are crucial in debate competitions.
writing skills
ability to write clearly and effectively
Good writing skills are necessary for content creation roles.