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Examples of 'account for' in a Sentence

Examples of 'account for' in a sentence. Example sentences for 'account for'. How to use 'account for' in a sentence?

"Account for" is a phrasal verb that can be used in several different senses, usually meaning to describe something, to be the cause or effect of something, or to indicate the rate or amount of something.

Usage Examples

to provide an explanation or reason for something

She couldn’t account for her absence at the meeting.

to be the reason or cause behind something happening

The high demand for the product accounts for the increase in prices.

to make up a portion or percentage of something

The sales from last month account for 30% of the total revenue.

Example Sentences

Can you account for the money that’s been spent?

Her absence at the meeting was not accounted for.

The weather conditions account for the delay in flights.

The missing documents account for the delay in the project.

The long wait time can be accounted for by a staff shortage.

She couldn’t account for the sudden change in her behavior.

The decrease in sales can be accounted for by the competition.

The accountant will account for all the expenses at the meeting.

He was able to account for every dollar spent during the event.

The new policy accounts for the improved customer service.

The teacher asked him to account for his absence in class.

She explained that the delay could be accounted for by traffic.

The missing inventory can be accounted for by human error.

The team’s victory accounts for their hard work and determination.

The loss in revenue can be accounted for by the economic downturn.

The increase in temperature accounts for the melting of the ice caps.

The budget cuts can be accounted for by the government’s fiscal policy.

The success of the project can be accounted for by the team’s dedication.

The shortage of supplies can be accounted for by the high demand.

The decline in quality can be accounted for by cost-cutting measures.

The poor attendance at the event can be accounted for by the bad weather.

The increase in profits can be accounted for by the expansion into new markets.

The slower progress of the project can be accounted for by a lack of resources.

The loss of funds can be accounted for by a financial mismanagement.

The company’s rapid growth can be accounted for by its innovative products.

The low turnout at the meeting can be accounted for by the time of day.

The team’s loss in the game can be accounted for by poor strategy.

The drop in performance can be accounted for by a lack of motivation.

The delay in delivery can be accounted for by supply chain issues.

The low sales figures can be accounted for by the economic recession.

The company’s financial troubles can be accounted for by bad investments.

The high turnover rate can be accounted for by poor working conditions.

The delay in production can be accounted for by machinery malfunctions.

The sudden spike in prices can be accounted for by the shortage of goods.

The change in leadership accounts for the company’s recent improvements.

The poor performance of the store can be accounted for by a lack of advertising.

The drop in customer satisfaction can be accounted for by the recent changes in policy.

The inconsistent results can be accounted for by errors in the data collection process.

The lower profit margins can be accounted for by increased competition.

The difficulty in recruiting staff can be accounted for by the low salary offer.

The recent increase in sales can be accounted for by the new marketing strategy.

The high crime rate in the area accounts for the need for more police presence.

The current budget deficit can be accounted for by increased government spending.

The recent rise in unemployment can be accounted for by the closing of factories.

The growing popularity of the brand can be accounted for by its strong online presence.

The steady growth of the company can be accounted for by its loyal customer base.

The new law accounts for the increased penalties for environmental violations.

The increase in energy consumption can be accounted for by the rising number of electric cars.

The higher-than-expected turnout can be accounted for by the successful advertising campaign.

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