Examples for 'as'. How to use 'as' in a sentence?
"As" is a word with many different meanings and usages in English. It can be used as both a conjunction and an adverb, and can have different meanings in different contexts.
Usage Examples
Used to indicate the time when an event occurs.
As I was leaving, he arrived.
It is used to explain the reason for an event or situation.
We went to the beach as the weather was nice.
It can be used to describe a person's role, occupation or identity.
I work as a software engineer.
It is often used to express the similarity of two things.
They were all dressed as pirates.
The construction "as ... as" expresses situations where one thing is equivalent or similar to something else.
He is as clever as his father.
Example Sentences
She sings as well as her sister.
He works as a teacher.
As it was raining, we stayed indoors.
As you are my friend, I will help you.
As I was leaving, he arrived.
She smiled as she passed me.
I work as a software engineer.
He was hired as the new manager.
She talks as if she knows everything.
As I was on vacation, I didn’t check my email.
I saw him as shopping at the mall.
While studying for exams, I like to take breaks.
She was smiling as talking to her friends.
As eating dinner, we watched a movie.
As my parents were at work, I stayed at home.
I finished the book as traveling.
He was wearing sunglasses as walking on the beach.
As cleaning the house, I found an old photograph.
We talked about our plans as having lunch.
As waiting for the bus, I met an old friend.
She was studying as listening to music.
I was watching TV as doing my homework.
He smiled as opening the gift.
As working on the project, we encountered many challenges.
I wrote some emails as traveling on the train.
We stayed in a small hotel as visiting the city.
As walking through the park, I noticed the flowers.
I was cooking dinner as watching the news.
As they were at the concert, I stayed at home.
We took a lot of pictures as on vacation.
She was practicing piano as her brother was playing outside.
As running, I hurt my ankle.
We chatted for hours as waiting for the bus.
I usually read a book as having coffee in the morning.
As he was studying, his friends were playing football.
I met her as attending a conference.
We took a break as working on the project.
As waiting for the train, we had a coffee.
I walked to the store as listening to a podcast.
As doing the dishes, I thought about my day.
He was laughing as watching the comedy show.
As in school, I was very focused on my studies.
I met a lot of people as volunteering at the event.
As traveling, I like to try new foods.
I got tired as running the marathon.
We made plans as having dinner together.
I was working on the computer as my sister was reading a book.
As driving to work, I listen to the radio.
They talked about the weather as waiting for the bus.
As he was on the phone, she prepared lunch.
As he was tired, he went to bed early.
She danced as if no one was watching.
I felt nervous as I entered the room.
As time passed, he became more confident.
She smiled as she heard the good news.
I sat next to him as he was reading a book.
As we were about to leave, the phone rang.
I stayed at home as it was snowing.
She wore a jacket as it was cold outside.
He looks at me as if I did something wrong.
As soon as the meeting finished, we went for lunch.
I was happy as I received the letter.
She acted as if nothing had happened.
As I was walking to work, I ran into an old friend.
I saw her as she was leaving the party.
He worked hard as he wanted to succeed.
As the day went on, the weather got worse.
As we were out of time, we couldn't finish the project.
As I thought, she passed the exam.
She smiled as she looked at the photo.
As you mentioned, I have already completed the task.
They gave me a promotion as I was doing a great job.