Examples for 'audible'. How to use 'audible' in a sentence?
The word "audible" refers to something that can be heard or is capable of being heard. It comes from the Latin word audibilis, which means "able to be heard." In simple terms, if something is audible, it means it's loud enough or clear enough to be perceived by the ear.
Example Sentences
The sound of the clock ticking was barely audible in the quiet room.
His footsteps were audible as he walked across the wooden floor.
The music from the party was audible even from two blocks away.
I could hear the audible click of the door closing behind him.
Her breathing became audible as she struggled to catch her breath.
There was an audible sigh of relief from the audience when the tension broke.
The dog's barking was audible from the street outside.
His voice was barely audible on the phone due to the bad connection.
An audible gasp went through the crowd as the magician performed his trick.
The announcement was not audible over the loud chatter in the cafeteria.
The speaker’s voice became more audible as the crowd grew silent.
An audible crack was heard when the tree broke in the storm.
The teacher’s instructions were barely audible over the students' murmurs.
The audible beep of the microwave signaled that the food was ready.
The whisper was audible only to those standing right next to her.
The sound of the engine was barely audible under the hood of the car.
The conversation in the next room was audible through the thin walls.
The rustling of the leaves became audible as the wind picked up.
The audible hum of the refrigerator filled the otherwise quiet kitchen.
In the silence of the night, the distant train whistle was barely audible.
He made an audible sound when he realized he had lost his wallet.
The conversation between the two actors was audible from the back row of the theater.
The crack of a bat hitting a ball was audible even from across the field.
The faint sound of water dripping was audible from the other side of the room.
The audible cheers from the stadium could be heard all the way down the street.
I could hear the audible sound of her heels clicking on the pavement.
The door creaked open with an audible noise that made everyone look up.
The audible thud of the ball hitting the floor was followed by silence.
There was an audible pause before he answered my question.
The audible clicking of the keyboard filled the quiet office.
An audible sound of footsteps echoed in the empty hallway.
The rustling of paper was audible as she quickly searched for the document.
The heavy footsteps on the stairs were audible from the living room.
The train’s whistle was audible long before it appeared on the horizon.
The sound of water flowing from the fountain was barely audible over the traffic noise.
He let out an audible sigh as he read the disappointing news.
The audible buzz of the wasp near the window made everyone uneasy.
The sound of a door slamming shut was audible in the otherwise silent house.
His heart rate was so high that his pulse was audible under his skin.
The audible clinking of coins in his pocket was the only sound in the room.
The audible murmur of the crowd filled the stadium as the game reached its climax.
The buzz of the electric toothbrush was clearly audible in the bathroom.
The crackling of the fire was audible as the flames danced in the hearth.
I could hear the audible pop of the bubble as it burst in the air.
The audible hum of the air conditioner was the only sound breaking the silence in the office.
The dog’s bark became audible as it ran down the street, chasing a squirrel.
Her laughter was audible even from the other side of the house.
The car's engine roared to life, and the sound was audible from miles away.
The thunderstorm was so loud that the rain was audible even over the roar of the wind.
The audience held their breath as they waited for the audible sound of the judge’s decision.