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Examples of 'ever since' in a Sentence

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

Examples of 'ever since' in a Sentence. Example sentences and usages for 'ever since'. How to use 'ever since' in a sentence?

The phrase "ever since" is used to indicate that something has been happening continuously from a specific point in the past until the present. It implies a connection between a past event and its ongoing effect or relevance. "Since" can be used similarly, though "ever since" emphasizes the continuity more strongly.


"Ever since" can be used as a conjunction, preposition or adverb.

conjunction Ever since he moved to New York, he has been very busy.

preposition She has been traveling ever since her graduation.

adverb He left town years ago, and we haven't heard from him ever since.


They’ve struggled ever since the fire.

He’s avoided me ever since last week.

He’s been distant ever since the accident.

Ever since her divorce, she’s lived alone.

I’ve been here ever since it happened.

Ever since we first met, we’ve been close.

She’s been recovering ever since the surgery.

He’s been upset ever since the argument.

They’ve been fighting ever since the incident.

Ever since she was hired, she’s worked hard.

They’ve been worried ever since the storm hit.

They’ve been happy ever since they got married.

Ever since he took the new job, he’s been working late.

I changed my diet, and I’ve felt healthier ever since.

She’s been stressed ever since the deadline passed.

He quit smoking, and he’s been healthier ever since.

He’s been distant ever since he got the bad news.

She’s been looking after her parents ever since they retired.

He’s been volunteering at the shelter ever since he lost his job.

We’ve been inseparable ever since we became best friends.

Ever since she got the promotion, she’s been optimistic.

She won the award, and her career has taken off ever since.

I started practicing yoga, and I’ve felt more relaxed ever since.

She’s been successful ever since she started her own business.

They’ve been rebuilding ever since their house was destroyed.

They met at the conference and have been collaborating ever since.

We’ve been planning the trip ever since we decided to go to Europe.

She moved to Paris, and we’ve been emailing each other ever since.

They’ve been traveling the world ever since they sold their house.

The storm caused a power outage, and it hasn't come back ever since.

I’ve been interested in science ever since I watched that documentary.

Ever since they moved in last year, they’ve been renovating the house.

We’ve been attending classes together ever since the first semester.

Ever since they retired from work, they’ve been traveling to new places.

They’ve been talking to each other ever since the argument was resolved.

We’ve been volunteering every weekend ever since the program started.

They’ve been renovating the kitchen ever since they bought the house.

Ever since she joined the organization, she’s been organizing charity events.

I’ve been writing stories ever since I was a child, and it’s still my passion today.

The company changed its policy, and the employees have been happier ever since.

They bought a house by the lake and have been spending weekends there ever since.

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