Examples of 'faith' in a sentence. How to use 'faith' in a sentence? Example sentences for 'faith'.
The word "faith" has multiple meanings depending on the context, but generally, it refers to belief, trust, or confidence in something or someone.
Usage Examples
In a religious context, faith refers to a strong belief or trust in a higher power, such as God, or in the principles of a particular religion.
She has unwavering faith in God and prays every day.
Faith can also refer to trust or confidence in a person, a system, or an outcome, often without requiring proof or guarantees.
I have faith in your ability to succeed.
Faith can also mean loyalty, allegiance, or fidelity to someone or something.
He pledged his faith to the country as a soldier.
Example Sentences
I have faith that you will make the right decision.
I have complete faith in your ability to finish the project.
He believed that faith in yourself can create miracles.
Through it all, they kept their faith in the process.
The doctor had faith in the new treatment plan.
Faith in oneself is essential for overcoming obstacles.
We need to have faith in each other to make this work.
She had faith that everything would be okay in the end.
His faith in religion helped him navigate life’s challenges.
His faith was unwavering, even when faced with adversity.
They find comfort in their faith, especially during hard times.
Despite the odds, they put their faith in the leader’s vision.
Faith in people can be broken, but it’s often rebuilt over time.
Despite her doubts, she had faith in her friend's honesty.
The manager had faith in the new employee's potential.
They put their faith in the new leader, hoping for change.
I have faith that we will find a solution to this problem.
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She has a deep faith in God, which helps her through tough times.
The priest spoke about the importance of having faith in God's plan.
People of faith gathered at the church to celebrate the holiday.
Through every trial, she never lost her faith in humanity.
Her faith in the team’s ability to pull through was contagious.
He demonstrated his faith in the charity by volunteering his time.
The family’s faith in each other kept them together during hard times.
Faith plays a central role in many religious practices worldwide.
He showed his faith in the cause by donating a large sum of money.
His faith in his team helped them push through tough challenges.
He showed his faith in her by trusting her with the important task.
We all have faith in her judgment, which is why she leads the group.
She kept the faith, believing that everything would turn out fine.
His faith in science allowed him to make groundbreaking discoveries.
The team put their faith in their coach to lead them to victory.
I’ve lost faith in the system after seeing how unfair it can be.
His faith in humanity was shaken after the betrayal he experienced.
She held onto her faith even in the darkest of times.
It is important to have faith in yourself, even when others doubt you.
His faith in the legal system was tested during the trial.
They had faith that their hard work would eventually pay off.
She had a strong faith that everything happens for a reason.
Her faith in the team grew as they showed their dedication to the task.
In moments of doubt, she always turns to her faith for strength.
Faith in the future gives us hope during challenging times.
His faith in her abilities encouraged her to pursue her dreams.
She kept the faith that the storm would pass and things would improve.
He proved his faith in the project by dedicating countless hours to it.
Their faith in each other made their relationship strong and enduring.
The coach’s faith in his players helped them become champions.
Even after failing several times, she maintained faith in her goals.
Through every trial, they kept their faith that better days were ahead.
Faith is the foundation of trust, and trust is key to any strong relationship.
Their unwavering faith in the cause motivated them to continue fighting.
He trusted in the wisdom of the elders, placing his faith in their advice.
Faith can give us the courage to face situations that seem impossible.
Even when things seemed hopeless, she found strength in her faith.
She prayed every night, keeping her faith strong in the face of difficulties.
Many religious traditions emphasize faith as the cornerstone of spiritual life.
Even when everyone doubted him, he had faith that he would succeed.
They faced many hardships, but their faith in each other never wavered.
Faith is often a guiding light when you're lost in the darkness of uncertainty.
He relied on his faith to carry him through the difficult decision he had to make.
He realized that his faith in technology was misplaced after the system crashed.
The citizens put their faith in the new mayor to bring positive changes to the city.
The community’s faith in the program grew as it started to show real results.
Her faith in love was restored after meeting someone who truly cared for her.
Even though it seemed impossible, they had faith that the project would succeed.
Their faith in nature’s healing power helped them feel at peace during the retreat.
She was able to achieve her goals because of the faith her parents had in her.
Even though the road ahead is uncertain, I have faith that we will get through it together.
After the accident, he regained his faith in the medical professionals who treated him.
They put their faith in the charity, knowing that their donations would make a difference.
It takes a lot of faith to continue working towards your dreams, even when you face setbacks.
I’ve never had much faith in astrology, but sometimes the predictions are surprisingly accurate.
Sometimes, faith is the only thing that keeps us moving forward when everything else seems to fail.
Even though they didn’t know each other well, they placed their faith in the strangers around them.
Faith doesn’t mean everything will go according to plan, but it helps us trust that things will work out.