Examples of 'had better' in a Sentence. Example sentences for 'had better'. How to use 'had better' in a sentence?
The phrase "had better" is used to give strong advice or to indicate that something is strongly recommended, usually because there could be negative consequences if the advice isn’t followed. It has a sense of urgency or importance.
Positive: Subject + had better + base form of the verb
Negative: Subject + had better not + base form of the verb
We had better arrive a bit early.
We had better stop for gas soon.
He had better not lose his passport.
You had better tell them the truth.
You had better be polite to your boss.
I had better remember to call my mom.
You had better bring a snack for the trip.
I had better find my wallet before I leave.
You had better double-check the address.
They had better not forget their umbrellas.
You had better watch out for that low ceiling.
We had better leave early to avoid traffic.
You had better check the oil in the car.
I had better bring some water for the hike.
He had better apologize for what he said.
I had better leave now to beat the traffic.
You had better wear a helmet while riding.
They had better finish their project by tomorrow.
I had better get some sleep before the big meeting.
He had better check the weather before heading out.
You had better call her to explain the situation.
We had better buy tickets now before they sell out.
She had better be careful with that expensive vase.
They had better read the instructions first.
You had better not touch that; it’s dangerous.
He had better not forget our anniversary.
They had better be on time, or the boss will be upset.
We had better not eat too much before the game.
She had better not lose her temper in the interview.
You had better not go there alone at night.
He had better not ignore the doctor’s advice.
She had better pack her bags tonight to avoid rushing.
We had better hurry if we want to catch the last bus.
You had better lock the door before you leave.
They had better be quiet; the baby is sleeping.
She had better practice more if she wants to improve.
You had better not be late for your appointment.
We had better plan ahead to avoid any problems.
They had better save some money for emergencies.
He had better clean his room before his guests arrive.
You had better watch your tone with the teacher.
She had better finish her work on time.
We had better find shelter before it starts raining.
I had better write down her number before I forget.
You had better stay hydrated in this heat.
They had better turn off the lights before going out.
You had better bring enough cash for the trip.
She had better be careful with her spending.
We had better leave now if we want good seats.
She had better wear comfortable shoes for the walk.
They had better not disturb the neighbors.
She had better update her resume for the job fair.
He had better stay focused if he wants to finish on time.
You had better turn off your phone during the meeting.
They had better not leave any trash behind.
You had better think carefully before deciding.
She had better practice her speech a few more times.
We had better wait until the light turns green.
You had better bring a jacket; it's going to be cold.
She had better study for the exam if she wants to pass.
He had better set an alarm if he wants to wake up early.
You had better pack some warm clothes; it’s chilly there.