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Examples of 'most, if not all' in a Sentence

Examples of 'most, if not all' in a sentence. How to use 'most, if not all' in a sentence?

The phrase "most, if not all" is used to express a high degree of likelihood or prevalence, acknowledging a slight chance that there may be exceptions. So, "most, if not all" is a careful way to state that nearly everything being described may meet the criteria, but leaves open a small margin for potential exceptions.

Synonyms: almost all, nearly all, close to all, practically all, for the most part, maybe all, possibly all


The guests, most, if not all, arrived before 7 p.m.

The appliances, most, if not all, are energy-efficient.

Most, if not all, of the voters turned out for the election.

Most, if not all, of the artwork was done by local artists.

The voters, most, if not all, supported the new proposal.

The family members, most, if not all, attended the reunion.

Most, if not all, items in the store are on sale this weekend.

Most, if not all, employees were affected by the new policy.

Most, if not all, of the files were backed up before the update.

Most, if not all, customers received a response within 24 hours.

The team members, most, if not all, were satisfied with the project.

The changes, most, if not all, were implemented in the latest version.

The employees, most, if not all, were notified about the policy update.

The proposals, most, if not all, were reviewed by the committee.

The events in the series, most, if not all, are based on true stories.

Most, if not all, of the students completed the assignment on time.

Most, if not all, players on the team are healthy and ready to play.

Most, if not all, team members should finish the project by the deadline.

Most, if not all, of the documents were saved before the system crashed.

The symptoms, most, if not all, disappeared after a few days of treatment.

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