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Examples of 'occasionally' in a Sentence

Examples for ''occasionally'. How to use 'occasionally' in a sentence?

"Occasionally" means from time to time or sometimes, indicating that something happens now and then, but not regularly or frequently. It suggests a somewhat irregular or infrequent occurrence.

Example Sentences

I occasionally read poetry in my free time.

She occasionally travels abroad for work.

They occasionally visit us on weekends.

We occasionally go out for dinner.

He occasionally watches a movie alone.

I occasionally forget my phone at home.

She occasionally bakes cakes for her friends.

They occasionally play basketball together.

We occasionally see each other at the park.

He occasionally volunteers at the local shelter.

Ara sıra yerel barınakta gönüllü olarak çalışır.

I occasionally take long walks in the evening.

She occasionally listens to jazz music.

They occasionally go hiking on weekends.

We occasionally cook dinner together.

He occasionally drinks herbal tea at night.

I occasionally write letters to old friends.

She occasionally goes to the library to study.

They occasionally have family gatherings.

We occasionally host parties at home.

He occasionally rides his bike to work.

I occasionally read science fiction novels.

She occasionally paints landscapes.

They occasionally play chess in the park.

We occasionally watch documentaries together.

He occasionally practices the guitar.

I occasionally visit art galleries.

She occasionally goes for a swim in the morning.

They occasionally travel to nearby cities.

We occasionally organize game nights.

He occasionally writes poetry in his journal.

I occasionally bake bread at home.

She occasionally attends workshops to learn new skills.

They occasionally go to the mountains for a weekend.

We occasionally take a day off to relax.

He occasionally reads historical books.

I occasionally drink coffee in the afternoon.

She occasionally calls her cousins to catch up.

They occasionally organize charity events.

We occasionally play soccer on Saturdays.

He occasionally cooks dinner for the family.

I occasionally go to concerts with friends.

She occasionally buys flowers for her home.

They occasionally help with community projects.

We occasionally visit the beach in the summer.

He occasionally surprises his friends with gifts.

I occasionally try new recipes in the kitchen.

She occasionally goes jogging in the evening.

They occasionally go camping in the woods.

We occasionally meet up for lunch.

He occasionally spends time painting.

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