Examples of 'prefer' in a sentence. Example sentences for 'prefer'. How to use 'prefer' in a sentence?
The verb prefer is used to express a choice, liking, or priority for one thing over another. It often implies a comparison between options, with one being favored.
Usage Examples
with a noun
I prefer coffee.
with an infinitive (to) or a gerund (-ing)
She prefers studying in the morning.
They prefer to stay home on weekends.
Although 'to' is usually used to indicate a specific choice between two options, 'over', 'rather than' and 'instead of' can also be used.
I prefer tea to coffee.
She prefers summer over winter.
We prefer staying home rather than going out.
They prefer watching movies instead of reading books.
"Would prefer" and "prefer" mean the same thing, but "would rather" indicates a more polite preference.
I would prefer to go now, if you don’t mind.
Example Sentences
Prefer tea over coffee.
I prefer planning ahead.
We prefer summer to winter.
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
He prefers working alone.
They prefer staying up late.
We prefer quiet restaurants.
She prefers writing by hand.
We prefer small gatherings.
He prefers cooking at home.
Do you prefer eating out?
They prefer a quiet holiday.
He prefers studying at night.
Do you prefer watching sports?
She prefers taking short trips.
Do you prefer warm weather?
She prefers working from home.
We prefer fresh fruits over sweets.
He prefers light colors for his home.
She prefers coffee without sugar.
I prefer walking instead of taking the bus.
They prefer staying home on weekends.
He prefers traveling by train over flying.
I would prefer to leave early if possible.
I prefer to exercise in the morning.
They prefer Italian food to Chinese food.
We prefer buying local products.
She prefers texting over calling.
I prefer spending my free time outdoors.
He would prefer to avoid the traffic.
They prefer a quiet place for studying.
I prefer taking the train instead of driving.
He prefers action movies over romantic ones.
They would prefer to have dinner outside.
Do you prefer working in a team?
I prefer classical music over pop.
She prefers walking in the park.
I prefer spending holidays with family.
They prefer studying in the morning.
Do you prefer tea instead of coffee?
She prefers to relax on weekends.
He prefers to avoid crowded places.
I would prefer to go out for a walk.
They prefer cycling instead of driving.
We prefer renting a car on vacation.
She prefers a simple lifestyle.
I prefer watching movies at home.
I would prefer a window seat, please.
He prefers natural light over artificial.
She prefers to buy organic vegetables.
He prefers working under pressure.
I prefer using cash over credit cards.
They prefer visiting museums to shopping.
They prefer beaches to mountains.
She would prefer not to discuss that topic.
We prefer digital books to printed ones.
I would prefer not to drive in the rain.
He prefers to listen to podcasts while driving.
We prefer online shopping to going to stores.
Do you prefer reading novels to watching movies?
She prefers to read books rather than watch TV.