Examples of 'prophecy' in a sentence. Example sentences for 'prophecy'.
A prophecy is a prediction or declaration about a future event, often said to be inspired by divine guidance or supernatural insight.
Example Sentences
He felt burdened by the weight of the prophecy.
They embarked on a quest to fulfill the prophecy.
Her dream felt like a prophecy of what was to come.
The mysterious prophecy left everyone in suspense.
The prophecy revealed a hidden truth about their past.
The prophecy warned of betrayal from within their circle.
They eagerly awaited the fulfillment of the prophecy.
He spent years trying to interpret the cryptic prophecy.
His vision seemed like a prophecy foretelling disaster.
The prophecy foretold a time of great change in the kingdom.
Her words felt like a prophecy as they came true days later.
The villagers feared the prophecy of a devastating flood.
The prophecy gave the young prince the courage to fight.
The prophecy was vague, leaving much room for speculation.
The old book’s prophecy had been proven accurate before.
No one could agree on the true meaning of the prophecy.
The prophecy was written in a language that no one could decipher.
She dismissed the prophecy as nothing more than a superstition.
The prophecy was carved into the walls of the ancient temple.
The prophecy warned of a great storm that would destroy the city.
A prophecy was handed down through generations in their family.
The prophecy spoke of a time when peace would return to the land.
The prophecy gave the people hope during their darkest days.
Some believed the prophecy, while others thought it was a myth.
The prophecy mentioned a rare comet that would appear in the sky.
They consulted an oracle to learn more about the prophecy.
The ancient scroll contained a prophecy about a distant war.
A prophecy from centuries ago seemed to align with recent events.
The villagers whispered about a prophecy they had all but forgotten.
The prophecy described a great leader rising from humble beginnings.
Legends and prophecies often intertwined in their culture.
The prophecy’s fulfillment depended on a series of unlikely events.
Many dismissed the prophecy, thinking it too far-fetched.
The prophecy came true when the mountain erupted, just as foretold.
Each line of the prophecy was open to multiple interpretations.
The prophecy sparked a debate among scholars and historians.
The prophecy was etched into the surface of an ancient artifact.
The prophecy suggested that balance would one day be restored.
Her grandmother’s prophecy about her future proved eerily accurate.
It wasn’t until years later that they understood the prophecy’s meaning.
The prophecy inspired them to keep hope alive despite the odds.
The wise old man spoke of a prophecy concerning a hidden treasure.
The prophecy had a strange way of coming true at the most unexpected times.
The prophecy predicted a hero would emerge in their greatest time of need.
The prophecy said that a child born under a red moon would save the kingdom.
Many people believed in the ancient prophecy about the end of the world.
The prophecy claimed that only a true hero could wield the enchanted sword.
According to the prophecy, the chosen one would rise during the darkest hour.
A prophecy can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on how it is interpreted.