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Examples of 'rarely' in a Sentence

Examples for 'rarely'. How to use 'rarely' in a sentence?

"Rarely" means something that happens infrequently or not very often. It's used to describe events or actions that occur on a rare basis, or only a small number of times.

Example Sentences

I rarely drink soda.

She rarely goes to the cinema alone.

They rarely call their relatives.

We rarely eat out on weekdays.

He rarely takes vacations.

I rarely watch TV in the morning.

She rarely wears makeup.

They rarely exercise, but they stay fit.

We rarely visit that part of the city.

He rarely talks about his personal life.

I rarely use social media.

She rarely drinks coffee after noon.

They rarely spend time together.

We rarely have snow here in winter.

He rarely complains about his job.

I rarely eat dessert.

She rarely forgets important dates.

They rarely get sick.

We rarely see each other anymore.

He rarely stays up late.

I rarely go to bed before midnight.

She rarely takes public transportation.

They rarely argue.

We rarely visit museums.

He rarely eats spicy food.

I rarely speak in public.

She rarely goes shopping.

They rarely go out during the week.

We rarely have meetings on Fridays.

He rarely listens to the radio.

I rarely go swimming in the winter.

She rarely travels alone.

They rarely cook at home.

We rarely talk about politics.

He rarely visits his hometown.

I rarely stay home on weekends.

She rarely tries new foods.

They rarely make mistakes.

We rarely celebrate holidays together.

He rarely reads novels.

I rarely use my credit card.

She rarely checks her messages.

They rarely go to concerts.

We rarely have family dinners.

He rarely changes his routine.

I rarely take photos.

She rarely answers calls right away.

They rarely go to the beach in winter.

We rarely host parties.

He rarely misses deadlines.

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