Examples of 'schadenfreude' in a sentence. Example sentences for 'schadenfreude'.
Schadenfreude is a German word that has been adopted into English to describe the experience of taking pleasure in someone else's misfortune or suffering.
The term is a combination of two German words:
"Schaden" meaning "harm" or "damage."
"Freude" meaning "joy" or "pleasure."
Example Sentences
She tried to disguise her schadenfreude, but her smirk gave her away.
He felt schadenfreude watching the boastful chef’s soufflé collapse.
She couldn’t hide her schadenfreude when her ex’s new relationship fell apart.
Her schadenfreude was obvious when her rival was denied the promotion.
He felt a twinge of schadenfreude as the driver who cut him off got pulled over.
The humor in slapstick comedy often relies on the audience’s schadenfreude.
Schadenfreude played a role in her laughter as she watched the prank backfire.
While enjoying the comedy of errors, they were aware of their own schadenfreude.
Though unkind, he felt schadenfreude when his rival’s overconfident bet ended in loss.
She couldn’t resist the schadenfreude of seeing the self-proclaimed expert fail miserably.
He felt a twinge of schadenfreude as the braggart’s car was towed for parking illegally.
Her schadenfreude turned to guilt when she saw how upset the other person truly was.
She felt schadenfreude as her noisy neighbor’s loud party was shut down by the police.
She reveled in schadenfreude as the person who mocked her tripped in front of everyone.
The office erupted in schadenfreude when the overly confident coworker’s plan backfired.
He felt schadenfreude when the overzealous referee called a penalty on the wrong team.
He indulged in a moment of schadenfreude when his competitor’s product launch failed.
Reality TV often capitalizes on viewers’ schadenfreude towards contestants’ failures.
Watching the villain slip on a banana peel filled him with a sense of schadenfreude.
His schadenfreude was evident when he laughed at his competitor’s failed presentation.
He felt a pang of schadenfreude when the arrogant player missed the game-winning shot.
Schadenfreude is what makes many people enjoy watching blooper reels on TV.
They couldn’t help their schadenfreude when the loud neighbor’s car broke down again.
She felt a guilty schadenfreude as her colleague’s poorly thought-out plan unraveled.
Their schadenfreude grew with each failed attempt by the rival team to score a goal.
He experienced a fleeting sense of schadenfreude when the loud child’s balloon popped.
The tabloids thrive on the public’s schadenfreude towards celebrities’ misfortunes.
He experienced schadenfreude when his old school bully got caught in a public scandal.
The internet has turned schadenfreude into a global pastime with endless fail videos.
It’s hard not to feel a little schadenfreude when the boss who micromanages makes a big mistake.
Her schadenfreude was short-lived when she realized the mistake could happen to her as well.
Her schadenfreude was tempered by a sense of sympathy when she saw the tears in her rival’s eyes.
Even though it was unkind, she couldn’t suppress her schadenfreude at the disastrous wedding speech.
The TV show’s humor relied heavily on the audience’s schadenfreude over the characters’ bad luck.
Social media encourages schadenfreude as people gleefully share stories of others’ failures.
Schadenfreude bubbled up inside him as he watched the rude customer’s order get delayed.
The group’s schadenfreude bonded them as they shared stories of their obnoxious boss’s mishaps.
Schadenfreude tinged his laughter as he watched his opponent struggle with the same problem.
His schadenfreude faded quickly when he realized the consequences of the other person’s mistake.
His schadenfreude was hard to conceal when the rude customer spilled coffee on themselves.
They chuckled with schadenfreude as the arrogant man’s grand speech was interrupted by a technical glitch.
Schadenfreude filled the room as everyone laughed at the celebrity’s awkward red carpet moment.
The viral video was a perfect example of schadenfreude, capturing a thief getting instant karma.
Even though it felt wrong, he couldn’t deny the schadenfreude he felt at the sports star’s defeat.
Schadenfreude was the emotion that made him share the clip of the newscaster’s on-air blunder.
She couldn’t resist the schadenfreude of seeing the influencer’s video get called out for being fake.
He tried to suppress his schadenfreude but failed when the prankster fell into their own trap.
There was a trace of schadenfreude in the crowd’s laughter when the pompous speaker stumbled over his words.
The schadenfreude in her voice was unmistakable as she gossiped about her neighbor’s eviction.