Examples of 'so that' in a sentence. How to use 'so that' in a sentence?
The phrase "so that" is used to show purpose or result. It explains why something is done or what outcome is expected.
Synonyms: in order to, with the aim of, for the purpose of, with the intention of, for the reason that, so as to
I drank coffee so that I could stay awake.
I left early so that I could avoid the traffic.
I set an alarm so that I wouldn’t oversleep.
I took a map so that we wouldn’t get lost.
She wore glasses so that she could see better.
He used a map so that he wouldn’t get lost.
He wore a raincoat so that he wouldn’t get wet.
We kept quiet so that the baby would stay asleep.
She wore a sweater so that she wouldn’t feel cold.
He studied hard so that he would pass the exam.
We arrived early so that we could get good seats.
He adjusted the volume so that everyone could hear.
I wrote down his address so that I wouldn’t lose it.
She stayed late so that she could finish the project.
We spoke softly so that we wouldn’t disturb anyone.
I saved the password so that I wouldn’t forget it.
He wore gloves so that his hands wouldn’t get cold.
She moved her car so that the driveway would be clear.
He installed an app so that he could track his progress.
We set reminders so that we wouldn’t miss the meeting.
I wrote instructions so that others could follow along easily.
We prepared extra food so that no one would go hungry.
They organized files so that they could find things easily.
They bought snacks so that everyone could enjoy the movie.
I took notes during the lecture so that I could review them later.
She practiced every day so that she could improve her skills.
We made a reservation so that we wouldn’t have to wait in line.
They added extra security so that the event would be safe.
She saved money so that she could travel during the summer.
We cleaned the house so that it would be ready for guests.
They updated the software so that it would run more smoothly.
I worked overtime so that I could finish the project on time.
He explained it slowly so that everyone would understand.
We turned off the lights so that we could watch the stars.
They planted trees so that the area would have more shade.
I used bold fonts so that important points would stand out.
She rehearsed her speech so that she would feel confident.
He wore sunscreen so that he wouldn’t get sunburned.
We planned ahead so that everything would go smoothly.
I saved her contact so that I could reach her easily later.
He arrived early so that he could get a good parking spot.
They installed cameras so that the area would be more secure.
She saved extra money so that she could go on vacation.
We followed the recipe so that the cake would turn out well.
They took notes so that they wouldn’t forget important details.
She carried an umbrella so that she wouldn’t get caught in the rain.
They prepared questions so that they would be ready for the interview.
They saved documents frequently so that they wouldn’t lose any work.
She trained diligently so that she could qualify for the competition.
He read the instructions carefully so that he wouldn’t make mistakes.
They built a ramp so that the building would be wheelchair accessible.