'In bed' or 'on bed' usage. What is the difference between 'in bed' and 'on bed'?
While both phrases 'in bed' and 'on bed' have similar meanings, they are used in distinct ways.
In bed
The phrase "in bed" refers to being inside or under the covers of a bed. It's mainly used for sleeping.
I’m in bed.
(It means you are lying down or under the covers, possibly sleeping or resting.)
He’s in bed sick.
She’s still in bed, recovering from the flu.
I can't wait to get in bed after this long day.
It’s hard to get up when you’re all cozy in bed.
He stayed in bed all weekend because of the storm.
I like to read for an hour before falling asleep in bed.
I usually spend my Sundays in bed, watching movies and relaxing.
On bed
The phrase "on bed" refers to being on top of the bed, like sitting or lying on top of the bedspread without being under the covers.
She is lying on the bed.
(It means she’s on top of the bed, not necessarily covered by blankets.)
The kids are jumping on the bed.
There are several books on the bed.
He threw his clothes on the bed in a hurry.
I was sitting on the bed when the phone rang.
Please don’t put your shoes on the bed; it’s not hygienic.