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Subject Pronouns - Usage

Subject pronouns -usage.

Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject of a sentence, and they tell us who or what is performing the action of the verb.

 Subject Pronouns










The pronoun 'you' can be used in both singular and plural.

You are a teacher.

You are teachers.

'It' can be used to refer to an inanimate object, an animal, a place, a situation, a time, or the weather.

It's my dog.

It's six o'clock.

It is a beautiful day.

It's cold outside.

It's a useful book.

When talking about the weather, either 'the weather' or 'it' can be used. They both convey the same meaning, but 'the weather' is preferred in formal language and 'it' in colloquial language.

The weather is hot today.

It is hot today.

'They' is used for other people, animals or objects.

They are my children.

They are very expensive.

They bark loudly every morning.

'It' is used when talking about a singular object or animal.

My dogs are big and they are strong.

My dog is big and it is strong.

These flowers are beautiful and they are bright.

This flower is beautiful and it is bright.

I bought two books. They are really interesting.

I bought a book. It is really interesting.

Usage Examples

I am a student.

I can swim very well.

You are very kind.

You are an interesting person.

You are happy people.

He is watching TV.

John is rich but he isn't happy.

She is not at home right now.

Mia isn't upset, she's angry.

It is a sunny day.

It's a lovely cat.

It's a very expensive watch.

It is very cold outside.

It will take about an hour to finish.

We have a big family.

They live in London.

This car is good but it's expensive.

These cars are good but they are expensive.

Tom and Mia are not in Paris, they are in London.

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